Agendas and Meeting Minutes 2024
January 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library
Board meeting agenda January 16, 2024
5 pm – 6 pm
1. Call the meeting to order – J. Paquette
2. Members present
3. Adopt December 2024 meeting minutes
4. Treasurer’s report – J. Gratton
5. Director’s report
a. Patronage
b. Community outreach at the West Chazy Fire Hall
c. Rachel Burnell
d. Meeting schedule review
e. Book suggestions (last month’s choices)
6. Old business
a. Community outreach
7. New business
8. Adjourn
Meeting Minutes
West Chazy Dodge Library board meeting
Meeting called to order: 5:04 pm
Present: Jim Gratton, Judy Paquette, Norman Taber, Bob Rizos, Natashia, Jones and Tory Taber.
Discussion of past minutes: Norman moved to accept. Jim seconded. Motion carried
Treasurer’s report
There is a total of $3.986 in the library account.
We received a check for $1,000 from the Robinson Trust – We will send the trust a thank you note.
Director’s Report:
It will soon be time for the annual report and to formally calculate the library’s performance. In December, a month where we were closed one day, we hosted 65 patrons. We circulated 80 items.
The rest of the month was quiet: some patrons had a cup of tea; some kids did the craft. Tory made the website public after getting the last few policies posted.
On Thursday January 2nd Tory closed at 4:00 pm and set up a table at the fire station blood drive. According to the folks running the drive, they have not had crowds of donors lining up since the pandemic. Nevertheless, two people signed up for library cards. Tory also handed out some literature and chatted with people. Norman did some graphic design for the library, including a bookmark that lists our contact information and hours.
Tory has worked out the meeting schedule for 2024:
Meeting Schedule for the Dodge Library Board of Directors for 2024
The board meets from 5:00-6:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, unless otherwise indicated. All meetings take place in the Dodge Library and are open to the public.
January 16
February 13
March 12
April 9
May 14
June 11
July 9
August 8
September 10
October 8
November 12
December 9
Approved by the Board of Directors on 1/16/24
Book Suggestions
1. Anna O, Matthew Blake, $17.10
2. The Book of Fire, Christi Lefteri $17.09
3. The Atlas Complex, Olivie Blake $16.52
4. The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years, Shudnum Khan $15.96
5. The Curse of Pietro Houdini, Derek Miller $16.52
6. Where You End, Kahler Abbott $15.95
7. The Fruit Cure: The Story of Extreme Wellness Turned Sour, Jacqueline Alnes $18.24
8. The Age of Deer: Trouble and Kinship with our Wild Neighbors, Erika Howsare, $15.96
Young Adult
9. A Place for Vanishing, Ann Fraistat $11.39
10. A Royal Conundrum, Lisa Yee $8.54
Total $169.22
Bob moved to approve book list – Jim seconded. Motion Carried
Meeting continued: librarian annual assessment
Old Business:
Community engagement
We are considering more options for warmer weather
New Business:
Sue Lezon is scheduled for a show in February of photography. The exact dates for the show have yet to be mailed down.
None of the board did the recent board training: Tory is going to look up and see if there is a recording which would help us reach or requirement.
Bob moved to approve the book. Judy seconded. Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned: 5:41pm.
February 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library
Board meeting agenda February 13, 2024
5 pm – 6 pm
1. Call the meeting to order – J. Paquette
2. Members present
3. Adopt January 2024 meeting minutes
4. Treasurer’s report – J. Gratton
5. Director’s report
a. Patronage
b. Board’s Election, bylaws and ethics policy; review attached ethics statements
c. Sue Lezon’s art show opening update
6. Book suggestions
7. Old business
8. New business
9. Adjourn
Meeting Minutes
West Chazy Dodge Library board meeting February 2024
Meeting called to order 5:05
Present Norman Taber, Jim Gratton, Judy Paquette, Bob Rizos, Tory Taber VIA zoom
Discussion of past minutes –
Bob moved to accept minutes with revisions. Jim seconded . Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report –
$511 for books
$650 fuel
$49 phone
Total income 2023: $29.373
There is a total of $27,653 in the library account
Director’s Report
February 2024
The cold days of January brought a slight uptick in use of the library. The Dodge hosted 85 patrons. We circulated 133 items.
So far February has been quiet, but we still have weeks to go. Sue Lezon’s art show is opening tomorrow evening 2/9 from 6:00 to 8:00. I hope it draws a small crowd.
The annual report is due to CEFLS on the 23rd of this month. Jim and I have been working on our respective sections. As always, thanks to Jim for his hard work and accumulated expertise.
Tory is encouraging those on the board that have not completed their two hours training to do so.
The next election for board members Judy, Jim, Bob and Natashia will need to take place this August. This might be a good time to look over the existing policies regarding board members to see if any updates or revisions are in order. Tory attached a copy of the current bylaws. Additionally, it is recommended that we adopt an ethics policy for trustees. If the board decides to adopt one, Tory can put together a packet with the bylaws, ethics policy, conflict of interest policy etc., to give to any prospective board members.
Below is a sample ethics policy from the American Library Association:
“PUBLIC LIBRARY TRUSTEE ETHICS STATEMENT Official Statement from United for Libraries Public library Trustees are accountable for the resources of the library as well as to see that the library provides the best possible service to its community. Every Trustee makes a personal commitment to contribute the time and energy to faithfully carry out his/her duties and responsibilities effectively and with absolute truth, honor and integrity.
• Trustees shall respect the opinions of their colleagues and not be critical or disrespectful when they disagree or oppose a viewpoint different than their own.
• Trustees shall comply with all the laws, rules and regulations that apply to them and to their library.
• Trustees, in fulfilling their responsibilities, shall not be swayed by partisan interests, public pressure or fear of criticism.
• Trustees shall not engage in discrimination of any kind and shall uphold library patrons’ rights to privacy in the use of library resources.
• Trustees must distinguish clearly in their actions and statements between their personal philosophies and attitudes and those of the library, acknowledging and supporting the formal position of the Board even if they disagree.
• Trustees must respect the confidential nature of library business and not disclose such information to anyone. Trustees must also be aware of and in compliance with Freedom of Information laws.
• Trustees must avoid situations in which personal interests might be served or financial benefits gained as a result of their position or access to privileged library information, for either themselves or others.
• A Trustee shall immediately disqualify him/herself whenever the appearance of or a conflict of interest exists.
• Trustees shall not use their position to gain unwarranted privileges or advantages for themselves or others from the library or from those who do business with the library. • Trustees shall not interfere with the management responsibilities of the director or the supervision of library staff.
• Trustees shall support the efforts of librarians in resisting censorship of library materials by groups or individuals.
Signature____________________________________Date_____________________ Approved by the United for Libraries Board”
Jim moved to adopt the above policies as stated . Bob seconded. Adopted unanimously.
Book Suggestions
1. First Lie Wins, Ashley Elston
2. The Fury, Alex Michaelides
3. Holmes, Marple & Poe, James Patterson and Brian Sitt
4. Come and Get It, Kiley Reid
5. The Vaster Wilds, Lauren Groff
6. The In-Betweens, Hadley Vlahos
7. Oath and Honor, Liz Cheney
8. Madness, Antonia Hylton
9. The Eyes and the Impossible, Dave Eggers
10. The Complete Cookbook for Young Chefs, America’s Test Kitchen Kids
Bob moved to accept the book list, Judy seconded. Passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Charter coming up for renewal/application 2025. We are moving toward preparation
New Business:
Bob moved to approve book list . Norman seconded. Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned: 5:58pm
March 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library Meeting of the Board of Trustees
March 12, 2024
Meeting called to order: 5:08
In attendance: Norman Taber, Jim Gratton, Bob Rizos, Tory Taber, guest Robin Brunelle
Discussion of past minutes –
Bob moved to accept minutes with revisions. Norman seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report :
$304 insurance
$110. Disability
$56 electric
$565 IRS
$50 phone
$115 snow removal and artshow
$1,249 employee
There is a total of $23,819 in the library account
Director’s Report
March 2024
February was a great month for our little library. We hosted 172 patrons and circulated 127 items.
The annual report was approved by the board and submitted to CEFLS. The CEFLS deadline to submit to the state was March 1. Fingers crossed that there will be no further revisions/corrections. Thanks again to Jim for doing the financial portion, and that comptroller’s report.
The opening for Sue’s show was apparently well attended. few people that have showed up to see it since the open, so that has been good. She has sold three pieces.
I think we should consider doing another ice cream social. A few patrons have asked if we are going to do it again, and even though it wasn’t as well-attended as we had hoped, perhaps it is something that could gain momentum over time. I feel very confident that Stewarts will donate ice cream again. We should only ask for one kit as we didn’t use both last time. Saturdays in July might be a good time. Or, should we combine it with the board election date? It would bring some more patrons in to vote. But then if the board were here helping, that might be weird? I am just throwing ideas out there.
Tory has a few upcoming days off. First on Tuesday, April 16, She has a medical procedure and the provider only does procedures on Tuesdays. The second day is Saturday, May 25, for her daughter’s college graduation. Additionally, Norm and Tory will be going to Kyrgyzstan to visit our older daughter. We don’t have those exact dates, but we are looking at early June.
Rachel Brunelle has agreed to sub for me. Tory has used her PTO, so most of these days will be unpaid.
The book prices last month total was $160.47.
New book suggestions are below.
Respectfully submitted,
Tory Taber
Book Suggestions
1. Family, Family, Laurie Frankel, $16.52
2. Gothikana, RuNyx, $17.09
3. The Fortune Seller, Rachel Kapelke-Drake, $16.53
4. The Morningside, Tea Obreht, $16.53
5. The Hunter, Tana French, $18.24
6. Help Wanted, Adele Waldman, $16.52
7. Splinters, Leslie Jamison, $16.53
8. Grief is for People. Sloane Crosley, $15.39
9. The Wolf Suit, Sid Sharp, $11.39
10.Richard Scarry’s Trucks, Cars and Things that Go: 50th anniversary edition, Richard Scarry, $11.34
Total projected cost: $154.98
New business;
We will plan on doing an icecream social on a Saturday in July. Jim moved. Bob seconded. Tory will approach Stewarts.
August 6th – Vote for board.
We will consider staggering the election to 2 and three year terms in to achieve greater continuity.
Proposed terms: Bob 3, Robin 2, Jim 2, Judy 3.
A discussion of increasing the budget will take place next meeting.
Bob moved to approve book list – Jim seconded. Passed.
Bob moved – Jim seconded
Meeting adjourned: 6:03 pm
April 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library Meeting of the Board of Trustees
April 9, 2024
Meeting called to order: 5:05 pm.
In attendance: Judy Paquette, Norman Taber, Jim Gratton, Bob Rizos, Tory Taber,
Discussion of past minutes: Bob moved to accept minutes with revisions . Norman seconded. Motion carried.
The board has voted to replace Natashia Jones, who has resigned from the board with Robin Brunelle.
Treasurer’s report:
Last balance $23,819
phone bill $50
electric $59
Tory $1170
deposit from CEF $144
interest .98
New balance $22,648
The audit with our workman’s comp insurance company resulted in an extra premium of 34 dollars a year. Jim will pay that difference upon receipt of their bill.
From the director's report:
March was busy! We hosted 164 patrons. We circulated 197 items.
Tory received a box of eclipse glasses from the National Science Foundation. She had applied for them months ago and didn’t hear anything until the glasses showed up. When She applied, they requested that She is willing to share the glasses with other libraries. She posted about them on social media, and that post was shared dozens of times and many people have stopped in for the glasses. She has some eclipse coloring sheets and word puzzles on the crafts table, and they have been well received. She also ordered a children’s book about eclipses to have in the library. She has only put 9 books on this month’s list to correct for it.
A few more folks have come in to view Sue’s show. Another photo has sold. Additionally, Bob brought a friend to view it and they bought a piece. Thanks Bob!
Last meeting we talked about doing another Ice Cream Social in July. The two dates, Tory has suggested were July 13 or July 20. If we decide on a day, She can apply for the Stewart’s grant. Norman did the graphic design last time. We are tentatively scheduling the for July 20th (first we will contact the W.C. Catholic church and the town of Chazy to possibly coincide with other events).
The director at the Champlain Memorial Library is proposing to do another Library Crawl. This time in October. Tory responded that the Dodge would be happy to participate.
Tory would like to put up two signs, one on the drop box and one on the fence, one regarding book donations and one about cleaning up after dogs.
Norman moved that we authorize Tory to purchase a dummy security camera. Bob seconded. Passed unanimously.
The board has authorized Tory to agree to place a banner in the library for state agency for a call for caregivers for adults with disabilities.
Rachel Brunelle has agreed to sub for Tory on Tuesday April 16..
Tory has asked Patty Leflam to do a photography show.
The book prices last month total was $160.47.
New book suggestions are below
Book Suggestions
1. James, Percival Everett, $15.96
2. The Teacher, Freida McFadden, $11.69
3. The Familiar, Leigh Bardargo, $17.09
4. The Vulnerables, Sigrid Nunez, $15.96
5. The Last Devil to Die, Richard Osman, $16.53
6. The Witching Tide, Margaret Meyer, 15.96
7. Nonfiction
8. Ghost Town Living Mining for Purpose and Chasing Dreams at The Edge of Death Valley, Brent Underwood, $ 15.96
9. Life, Pope Francis and Fabio Ragnora, $16.52
10. Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder, David Pilkey $ 11.99
Total projected cost $153.62
Meeting adjourned: 5:50 pm
May 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library Meeting of the Board of Trustees
May 15, 2024
Meeting called to order: 5:00 pm.
In attendance: Judy Paquette, Norman Taber, Jim Gratton, Bob Rizos, Jim Gratton, Robin Brunelle, Tory Taber,
Robin Brunelle is officially welcomed to board.
Discussion of past minutes
Jim moved to accept minutes with revisions - Bob seconded - .
Treasurer’s report –
Jim has finished the Comptroller report. Thank you Jim!
Last balance $22,648
phone bill $51
electric $52
CEF $110
Workman’s $60
B&T $467
Fuel $595
Acct $110
Rachel $135
New balance 19,858
Director's Report May 2024
April was started out snowy, ended up sunny and was moderately busy at the Dodge. We hosted 112 patrons. We circulated 120 items.
The state accepted the annual report with no requests for corrections. CEFLS emailed me about it. Additionally, Steven Kenworthy came to the Dodge for his annual visit on 4/16/24.
As discussed in the April meeting, Tory ordered some inexpensive faux security cameras. Norman installed them. (we may not want to include the fact that they are fake in the official minutes, as those are posted publicly).
Norman also made the signs we discussed regarding folks cleaning up after their dogs and not dumping unusable donations in our drop box.
Norman had suggested it might be good to coordinate our ice cream social with the dates of the Chazy Old Home Days, or town-wide garage sale. I called the Chazy town clerk who said the dates have not been chosen yet. She agreed to call me when she found out. The date will be July 13 rain date 20th. Jim has some coolers.
Discussion of a possible old home walk of West Chazy.
The Director sent an email to the board earlier in the month asking for some leniency for a patron who was being billed $40 for damaging a book belonging to CEF. The board generously agreed to subsidize it, but the patron insisted on paying the full amount. Tory has the invoice from CEF and the cash from the patron. Jim can collect the cash, or Tory can keep it in petty cash. The invoice is in Jim’s mailbox.
A West Chazy patron who does wildlife photography has agreed to do a show here. She has asked to have it in December. Tory also talking to a senior at Plattsburgh State who is a painter. He will do a show in the Fall.
Finally, the Director reminded the board that she is taking Saturday, May 25 off, for my daughter’s college graduation. She is taking 5/29-6/8 off to visit my other daughter in the Peace Corps. She has arranged for a substitute. Our June meeting is scheduled for the 11th, so she will have to provide a director’s report before she leaves.
New book suggestions are below.
Tory has created a google drive with a number of Library pertinent papers including out bylaws.
CEF is providing another zoom meeting: June 26 – Board Basics
Tory would like to get Udder Delights to sponsor the summer reading program. Judy gave Tory a contact number.
Book Suggestions
1. Funny Story, Emily Henry, $16.53
2. Table for Two, Amor Towles, $18.24
3. Wolf at the Table, Adam Rapp, $17.01
4. House of Cotton, Monica Brashears, $25.89
5. A Calamity of Souls, David Baldacci, $17.10
6. Burnout Immunity: How Emotional Intelligence Can help you build Resilience and Heal Your Relationship With Work, BrWiens Kandi, $ 15.96
7. Somehow: Thoughts on Love, Anne Lamott, $12.54
8. Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder, Salman Rushdie, $ 15.96
9. The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War, Erik Larson, $19.95
Young Adult
10. The Prisoner’s Throne, Holly Black $ 11.96
Total Projected cost $173.51
Judy moved to approve the book list, Robin seconded. Motion carried.
We may all collaborate to take down the remainder of the tree on the corner of the property
Robin Brunelle was given the oath of office.
Bob moved to adjourn Robin seconded
Meeting adjourned: 5:55 pm
June 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library
Board meeting agenda June 11, 2024
5 pm – 6 pm
1. Call the meeting to order – J. Paquette
2. Members present
3. Adopt Mayr 2024 meeting minutes
4. Treasurer’s report – J. Gratton
5. Director’s report
a. Patronage
b. Ice Cream Social
c. Wild Center pass
d. Training video
e. Book suggestions
6. Old business
7. New business
8. Adjourn
Meeting Minutes, June 11, 2024
Meeting called to order: 5:05 pm
Present: Judy Paquette, Jim Gratton, Norman Taber, Bob Rizosand Tory Taber.
Discussion of past minutes: Bob moved to accept with revisions. Norman seconded. Motion carried
Treasurer’s report
New balance 18,982
Should we open a cd?
Jim will open a CD with $2,000 at 4.6% (Glens Falls National)
Jim will look at increasing the tax burden up 2% (the maximum without voter approval).
Director’s report
At our May meeting Tory supplied a link for some trustee training on zoom on 6/20. Tory asked CEF if the meeting would be recorded for later viewing, and it will be.
Tory contacted the new owners of the Udder Delights Dairy Shoppe and asked if they would sponsor our summer reading. They will not. So, if we are going to do a summer reading program we will need to find another incentive, perhaps Stewart’s?
Judy is looking at the cost of buying coupons from Stewarts for small cones.
Regarding the ice cream social, we had decided on 7/13 with 7/20 as a rain date. Since that decision have found out that our daughter is leaving for Nepal in the early morning of 7/13. This is the date set by the Fulbright, it wasn’t negotiable. So, while I plan on being at the library that day, hosting an event will not be ideal. we possibly push the event to 7/20?
Norman moved, Jim seconded - Passed
Tory thinks we should get another Wild Center museum pass. It has always been a popular item. It is $90 for a pass that lasts for one year.
The board moved to purchase a wild center pass – Jim moved, Judy seconded – passed.
And finally, due to a miscommunication, the library was not open this past Saturday, 5/25.
May: 98 patrons – 75 items circulated
Book Suggestions
1. The Paradise Problem, Christina Lauren, $16.52
2. Long Island, Colm Toibin, $15.96
3. All Fours, Miranda July, $16.53
4. Home is Where the Bodies Are, Jeneva Rose, $25.89
5. When the Moon Hatched, Sarah Parker, $18.24
6. This Summer it will be Different , Carely Fortune $16.24
7. Camino Ghosts, John Grisham, $17.07
8. Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health, Casey Means $ 18.24
9. Healthy Kids, Happy Kids, Elisa Song,
10. Refugee, Alan Gratz $ 10.25
Total Projected cost $164.67
Norman moved to approve the book suggestions, Jim seconded. Motion carried
New Business
The budget and trustee election will be held August 6th
Staggering the election terms: Bob and Judy 3yrs – Robin & Jim 2yrs
Norman will write up petitions
Meeting adjourned: 6:02 pm
July 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library
Board meeting agenda July 9, 2024
5 pm – 6 pm
1. Call the meeting to order – J. Paquette
2. Members present
3. Adopt June 2024 meeting minutes
4. Treasurer’s report – J. Gratton
5. Director’s report
a. Patronage
b. Ice Cream Social
c. Election discussion
d. Book suggestions
6. Old business
7. New business
8. Adjourn
Meeting Minutes, July 9, 2024
Meeting called to order: 5:04 pm
Present: Judy Paquette, Jim Gratton, Norman Taber, Robin Brunelle, and Tory Taber.
Discussion of past minutes: Jim moved to accept with revisions. Robin seconded. Motion carried
Treasurer’s report
New Balance: $14.35
Jim will open a CD at Glens Falls National with $2000 at 4.6%
The election will be August 6
We will propose an increase of 2% or $500. We will run the advertisement in the Sun
Director's report
103 patrons visited the Dodge in June. We circulated 121 items. Both numbers are higher than our May numbers.
The summer reading program is underway. Tory has handed out 11 sign-up sheets so far. Thanks to Judy for picking up the Stewart’s ice cream cone coupons. Thanks as well to Norm for designing the pamphlet.
Ice Cream Social is on track for the 20th, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Stewart’s did approve my mini-grant request, and then kindly, let Tory change the date from the 13th to the 20th
. We will need a volunteer to pick the ice cream up on the morning of the 20th
Tory will bring a pop-up tent to protect the ice-cream set up.
We do need a folding table, Robin will bring one.
Ideas for the event:Last time we had corn hole, and sidewalk chalk. Tory will be available to sign up people for library cards. There will be an ice-creamed theme craft. Tory may face-paint, Judy may arrange for balloon animals. Tory will bring music. Norm will pick up ice-cream. Small water bottles, paper towels.
Wild center pass is here.
Book Suggestions
$150.34 - total
Robin moved to approve. Bob seconded. Motion passed.
New Business
Upcoming election and find poll workers.
Robin motioned to pay Tory, the additional hours covering her time during the ice cream social. Jim Seconded. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned – 6:11
August 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library
Board meeting agenda August 13, 2024
5 pm – 6 pm
1. Call the meeting to order – J. Paquette
2. Members present
3. Adopt July 2024 meeting minutes
4. Treasurer’s report – J. Gratton
5. Director’s report
a. Patronage
b. Ice Cream Social update
c. Summer Reading Challenge coupons
d. Book suggestions
6. Old business
7. New business
8. Adjourn
Meeting Minutes, August 13, 2024
Meeting called to order: 5:08 pm
Present: Judy Paquette, Jim Gratton, Norman Taber, Robin Brunelle, and Tory Taber.
Discussion of past minutes: Jim moved to accept with revisions. Robin seconded. Motion carried
Treasurer’s report
New balance $13.105
After the following:
Books: $253
Phone bill: $49
Accountant: $110
Poll watchers:
Nyseg: $86
CEF: Deposit
Director’s Report
July was moderately busy for our little library. We hosted 132 patrons. We circulated 103 items.
The biggest event of July was our Ice Cream Social. It was well-attended, compared to the previous one. It took the combined efforts of the entire board to pull it off. Thanks all around: to Bob for mowing the lawn so it would look tidy; for all the coolers, tables, and other items (adorable grandchildren) board members supplied; and for attending, scooping ice cream, talking to the patrons. We are grateful for the time and effort everyone contributed.
If we want to make this an annual event we should perhaps brainstorm now, rather than next summer, on ways to improve or streamline. I observed that two hours might be long enough. Attendance dropped after the two-hour mark, though we had a few people show up right until 3:00. The other observation is that two sundae kits is too much. We didn’t use all the toppings from the first one. We did use about 4 gallons of ice cream, so maybe we could ask for one sundae kit, which has 3 gallons, and a couple of additional gallons of ice cream. That way we would not waste toppings. Which I believe will expire before next summer. If any board members are involved with any events, gatherings, reunions, etc. that can use them, please let me know.
To keep in mind for next year:
We should ask for two boxes of ice cream and one topping – cut it to two hours.
The election was held successfully. Jim and Robin brought in the remainder of the signatures. We gathered more than we needed. The two poll-watchers did a great job explaining the unusual parameters of our special library district to all 18 of our voters. Norm will bring the results to the town office tomorrow. The budget passed unanimously. All four board members were reelected.
Tory had two children hand in their completed summer reading logs. She has handed out more logs than we have ice cream coupons. However, she thinks it is safe to wait until more have been redeemed before we purchase more.
Book suggestions
1. “The Bright Sword”, Lev Grossman, $19.95
2. “The Briar Club”, Kate Quinn, $16.52
3. “Nora Goes Off Script”, Annabel Monaghan, $24.96
4. “Night Watch”, Jayne Phillips, Pulitzer Prize winner, $15.96
5. “Bear”, Julia Phillips, $15.96
6. “Sing Like Fish: How Sound Rules Life Under Water”, Amorina Kindon $17.10
7. “The New Menopause: Your Path Through Hormonal Change with Purpose, Power, and Facts”, Mary Clare Haver MD
8. “They Call Me No Sam!”, Drew Daywalt, $9.11
9. “Taylor Swift”, Maria Sanchez, $ 15.99
10. “Bluey: Sleepytime”, Joe Brumm, $15.19
Total projected cost: $163.52
Robin moved to approve. Jim seconded. Motion carried.
New Business
Application for full charter, coming up – we are in good shape, further discussion at next meeting.
Meeting adjourned – 5:45 pm
September 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library
Board meeting agenda September 12, 2024
5 pm – 6 pm
1. Call the meeting to order – J. Paquette
2. Members present
3. Adopt August 2024 meeting minutes
4. Treasurer’s report – J. Gratton
5. Director’s report
a. Patronage
b. Summer Reading Challenge update
c. Sales Rep info
d. Charter application
e. PTO use
f. Book suggestions
6. Old business
7. New business
8. Adjourn
Meeting Minutes
West Chazy Dodge Library board meeting
Meeting called to order: 5:03 pm
Present: Jim Gratton, Judy Paquette, Norman Taber, Bob Rizos, and Tory Taber.
Discussion of past minutes: Jim moved to accept, with revisions. Bob seconded. Motion carried
Treasurer’s report
New balance $10,683
Bills paid:
Books $253
Phone bill $50
NYSEG $69.80
CEF $1,032
Director's Report
August was a busy month. We had 159 patrons at the Dodge. We circulated 191 items.
Thanks to Bob for mowing the overgrown back yard and cleaning up along the chain-link fence around the parking lot. The library looks much more respectable and inviting.
I signed 19 kids up for our summer reading challenge. I have only had 5 children come in and collect their ice cream coupons. I think a few may still trickle in, but we probably won’t use all 15 coupons. The completion rate was less than less summer. I still think it is a worthwhile program to offer.
A representative for Who But W.B. Mason, a local delivery service for office supplies stopped in and offered to sign us up for an account. I told him that we are so small, so part-time as to not warrant an account. He was a very good salesperson and by the time he left, I totally wanted an account. First, they are a local business: the salesman himself lives in West Chazy. Second, they will price match and deliver for free. And third, they really do carry most of what we use: office supplies; paper goods and cleaners; water-cooler bottles; ice melt. Items that I currently purchase at different stores, on my own time. I think it is worth a discussion at the meeting as board members may have personal experience with this company.
Bob moved to associate with W.B. Mason account. udy seconded. Motion carried. p
Regarding our charter: our current provisional charter was granted on February 11, 2020. We need to reapply by December.
Our liaison at CEFLS, Anne Jobin-Picard sent me some links about reapplying, and the email address of a contact in Albany.
These are the links she sent:
Chartering a Public Library in New York State: Library Development: New York State Library
We agreed to move forward with the charter. Tory will forward to the board the application to the board for review, our target is completion and signing at the October meeting, Tory and Jim will tackle the application but contact the rest of the board if help is needed.
Book suggestions
1. “Swan Song”, Elin Hildebrand, $17.10
2. “The Life Impossible,” Matt Haig, $17.10
3. “Tell Me Everything,” Elizabeth Strout, $17.10
4. “By Any Other Name,” Jodi Picoult, $17.10
5. “Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries,” Heather Fawcett $16.65
6. “Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for the UFOs,” Luis Elizondo $17.09
7. “Love Triangle: How Trigonometry Shapes the World,” Matt Parker, $17.10
8. “The Dictionary Story,” Oliver Jeffers, $15.19
9. “Negative Cat,” Sophie Blackall, $17.10
10. “By Ash, Oak and Thorn,” Melissa Harrison, $15.61
Total projected cost: $165.23
Bob moved to approved the book purchase. Norm seconded. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned: 6:15 pm.
October 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library
Board meeting agenda October 8, 2024
5 pm – 6 pm
1. Call the meeting to order – J. Paquette
2. Members present
3. Adopt September 2024 meeting minutes
4. Treasurer’s report – J. Gratton
5. Director’s report
a. Patronage
b. Charter extension
1. Longe-range plan
c. Art show featuring Patty Laflam
d. Book suggestions
6. Old business
7. New business
8. Adjourn
Meeting Minutes
West Chazy Dodge Library board meeting
Meeting called to order: 5:00 start.
Present: Judy Paquette, Norman Taber, Bob Rizos, and Tory Taber.
Discussion of past minutes: Robin moved to accept, with revisions. Bob seconded. Motion carried
Treasurer’s report: presented by Bob, with Jim absent
New balance $9,923
Bills paid:
Books $253
Phone bill $50
NYSEG $69.80
CEF $1,032
Director’s report:
The library hosted 93 patrons and circulated 94 items in September
As we move into October, we have some business to address. Last meeting we looked at the application for extending our charter. Jim has filled out the budget part. Tory will calculate the replacement value for our collections and have asked CEF for guidance on how to do that.
The application needs to be signed at a meeting. As Jim will not be at the meeting, the board can sign the application at the meeting or decide to wait until the November meeting. This first application does not need to be sent in until December.
Before we send it, Tory would like to suggest the board look at and update the library’s long-range plan. The current long-range plan is from. 2019-2025. So, if we get it updated, Tory can have it posted on the website before the application is sent in.
Our art show for Patricia Laflam is next month, on the 21st. She is excited as this is the first time she has shown her work.
The Library Crawl started today and runs through the end of the month. This year it includes not only all the CEF libraries, but many libraries in Vermont. The library has passports and maps available and has advertised on social media.
Tory am not going to be here on October 3rd. She has arranged for a substitue.
Final Board training will be held November 21, 6-7 Subject: Intellectual Freedom Tory will check to see if the this will be available to watch later.
Book suggestions
1. “The Wood at Midwinter”, Suzane Collins, $16.99
2. “The House in the Cerulean Sea,” TJ Klune, $17.09
3. “Somewhere Beyond the Sea,” TJ Klune, $17.10
4. “Counting Miracles,” Nicolas Sparks, $17.10
5. “The Message,” Ta-Nehisi Coates $17.10
6. “Good Energy: The surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Mental Health,” Matt Parker, $18.24
7. “A Mouse and his Dog,” Katherine Applegate, $10.25
8. “The Leaf Thief,” Alice Hemming $10.25
9. “Bluey: Little Library,” Penguin Young Readers, $10.38
10. “This is My Brain: A Book on Neurodiversity” Elise Gravel, $14.39
Robin moved to purchase the book list. Judy seconded. Motion carried.
Norman stated that Tory needs a new computer, hers is currently 10 years old.
Discussion and changes to long range plans:
Meeting adjourned: 6:10 PM
November 2024
West Chazy Dodge Library
Board meeting agenda December 12, 2024
5 pm – 6 pm
1. Call the meeting to order – J. Paquette
2. Members present
3. Adopt November’s meeting minutes
4. Treasurer’s report – J. Gratton
5. Director’s report
a. Patronage
b. Update on Patsy LaFlam event plan
c. Bill Stokes library use
d. Banner display
e. Snow removal
f. Tory’s contract
g. Book suggestions
6. Old business
7. New business
8. Grant article from Press-Republican
9. Adjourn
Nov. 12 - 2024 -
Dodge library board meeting 5:10 start –
Norman Taber, Judy Paquette, Robin Brunelle
Tory Taber, Bob Rizos. Jim Gratton
Discussion of the legal letter regarding water testing and contamination.
Robin will ask Mr. Lavarando for an informal opinion
Discussion of past minutes –
Bob moved to accept Oct. minutes with revisions – Jim seconded -
Treasurer’s report – (Bob with Jim absent).
New balance $7,322
Dodge hosted 124 patrons in October, including three adorable trick-or-treaters on the 31st.
A patron wants to use the library to film a reading for a play he is developing. He wrote:
“Hi Tory,
It was nice talking with you yesterday. I was lucky enough to be there when Spider Man dropped by! What a great library you have.
Here are some details about my play.
The title is "Check It Out, A Library Musical." It's a one-act show about a small-town library. I've recorded demo versions of the songs, but we have real singers to perform them for the reading. I could send a script, if you want to read it.
I received a grant to write the show, and am required to present a reading by the end of December. So we will be rehearsing and recording scenes, which I'll compile into a video. The video will be posted on YouTube, and that's the show. (For now. Hopefully someone will want to support a production. Somewhere.)
There are six characters in the library scenes. We will need to set up cameras, practice scenes, and record. I'm looking at Sunday, Nov. 17. Then Saturday and Sunday Dec. 7 and 8, and possibly Sunday Dec. 15. If it's okay to use the library at those times, it would be tremendously helpful.
Thank you very much.
Bill Stokes”
Three board members replied that it sounded good, so I wrote and told him that. If the board needs me to tell him otherwise, Tory would like to do it sooner rather than later. Let’s “reply all” in the email thread if further discussion is warranted.
The library crawl is over. There wasn’t as much participation as for the last one. The library had maybe two patrons come in to get their passport stamped.
Our art show for Patricia Laflam on the 21st. She is excited as this is the first time she has shown her work. I hope the board will mark their calendars and come out to support one of our regular patrons.
Thanks to Bob for doing some landscaping –
Thanks to his daughter Kat for revising our long range plan.
Book suggestions
1. “Here one Moment”, Liane Moriarty, $17.10
2. “Memorials”, Richard Chizmar, $17.09
3. “Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murders”, Jesse Sutanto, $17.58
4. “The City and it’s Uncertain Walls”, Haruki Marakami, $19.95
5. “Stone Blind”, Natalie Haynes, $12.34
6.“Patriot”, Alexi Navalny, $19.99
7.“Is a River Alive”, Robert Macfarlane, $17.10
8.“Rocket Puppies”, William Joyce, $15.19
9.“I’m Hungry”, Elise Gravel, $10.95
10. “The Big Book of Nature Art”, Yuval, Zommer, $15.96
Total projected cost: $197,16
1. “The Wood at Midwinter”, Suzane Collins, $16.99
2. “The House in the Cerulean Sea,” TJ Klune, $17.09
3. “Somewhere Beyond the Sea,” TJ Klune, $17.10
4. “Counting Miracles,” Nicolas Sparks, $17.10
5. “The Message,” Ta-Nehisi Coates $17.10
6. “Good Energy: The surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Mental Health,” Matt Parker, $18.24
7. “A Mouse and his Dog,” Katherine Applegate, $10.25
8. “The Leaf Thief,” Alice Hemming $10.25
9. “Bluey: Little Library,” Penguin Young Readers, $10.38
10. “This is My Brain: A Book on Neurodiversity” Elise Gravel, $14.39
Robin moved, Bob seconded – approved.
Discussion and changes to long range plans:
Review of director & new contract set for January Meeting
Bob motioned adjourned, Judy seconded.
Meeting adjourned – 6:10
December 2024
Dec. 12 - 2024 -
Dodge library board meeting 5:00 start –
Norman Taber, Judy Paquette, Robin Brunelle
Tory Taber, Bob Rizos. Jim Gratton
Discussion of the legal letter regarding water testing and contamination.
Robin will ask Mr. Lavarando for an informal opinion
Discussion of past minutes –
Robin, moved to accept Oct. minutes with revisions – Jim seconded -
Treasurer’s report –
New balance $6. 067
Norman moved Bob seconded
Director’s Report
December 2024
Dear board,
1n November the Dodge hosted 113 patrons. We circulated an even 100 items. The
library was closed on Thanksgiving, so these numbers are respectable.
Tory offered thanks for supporting our current artist, Patsy LaFlam. She was happy with
the turnout for her open. It was a pleasant evening. Patrons have been enjoying the
Bill Stokes did use the Dodge on November 17 as planned. He got all the footage that he
needed, so will not need to use the library again. He stopped by with a thank-you card
and a nice $50 donation.
We are displaying a banner for a NY State agency. This is the third time we have done
this, for different programs. After six weeks we take the banner down and thy send the
library a check (this one will pay $100).
Things have been quiet. Tory has not heard anything from Albany regarding our charter
application. Perhaps I will have more information by the day of the meeting.
Tory suggested we discuss snow removal (that perennial favorite), and my 2025 contract
at this meeting.
Finally, as discussed in November, I will be using my last hour of PTO on 12/26, to open
the library a bit late. As Tory will be driving from several hours away, and am not certain
of the weather conditions, Tory will open as soon as possible but may need to take
several more hours of unpaid time off.
Should we purchase a new computer for the director – our current computer is very old.
Tory has done research – suggestion is a Dell Inspiron 15. Cost $449.99.
Robin move, Judy seconded – passed.
Show-up has contacted us. “a safe place for women to discuss human rights interest and
community events within your state chat to focus on the things we can change one small
event at a time.
Tory will get more information.
We have been offered narcan and narcan training available in the library. Discussion.
Robin moved to pursue – Bob seconded
Passed -
Tory is sending out a link to sexual harassment training to the board.
Book suggestions
1. “The Vegetarian”, Han Kang $21.28 (2024 Nobel Prize for literature)
2. “You Like it Darker”, Stephen King $17.10
3. “Human Acts,” Han Kang, $15.73 (patron request)
4. “Wandering Stars” Tommy Orange $16.53 (2024 Booker Prize, NYTimes
Editor’s choice)
5. “There are Rivers in the Sky” Elif Shafak $17.10
6. “The Berry Pickers” Amanda Peters $15.39 (2024 Andrew Carnegie Medal for
Excellence in Fiction)
7. “Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space”,
Adam Higginbotham, $19.95
8. “The Backyard Bird Chronicles”, Amy Tan, $22.75
9. “The Sherlock Society”, James Ponti $10.82
10. “Dogman:13: Big Jim Begins”, James Ponti $10.49